Last night as we looked at the terrain we were going to encounter, we decided our destination should be Villafranca Montes de Oca. We had to get an early start to reach our 19 mile destination. We chose to end at Villafranca since we wanted to be fresh for the 7.5 miles of ‘no food or beverages available’ enroute for the steep climb to Alto de Pedraja.
This morning it was cool and misty when we left, which turned into light rain. By mid morning the sun was out and we had a nice afternoon to complete our trek.
We have entered into a new province- Castilla y Lyon, and we are now in the Burgos district of that province. The terrain we see is now mostly wheat and sunflower fields, but there are still several large vineyards in the area.
Shortly after Belorado we saw 2 guys approaching us ( they we walking from Santiago) – one had a huge white teddy bear on his back! That ridiculous sight made us laugh! We took our picture with them. The told us they are on a mission to make people smile on the Camino, and also raise money for toys for kids. Their destination is Barcelona.
In Tostanos we saw the Ermita de la Pena, an isolated shrine built into the cliffs. It reminded us of Petra.
We had lunch in Villambistia, and when we found the Inglesia San Esteban, ( Church of St Steven), I made Steve stop for a photo.
Tomorrow our destination is Cardenuela Riopico.