Sewer Pipe bedroom, Vicki vetoed this one
- Canal system. It’s cold! I have almost all my clothes on!
- Book at Fromista village entrance, with village history
- Canal at Fromista
- Canal at Fromista
- Statue at Revenga de Campos
- Lodging options
- Sewer Pipe bedroom, Vicki vetoed this one
- TeePee’s
Our packs feel so much lighter today- that’s the good news! The bad news is we are wearing almost all our clothes because it’s so darn cold!
Today we left at 6:30 with a 48 degree temperature, and winds at 25 with gusts to 35 mph! Within a few minutes of departing, it start to sprinkle, so we put on our rain gear. The winds we so cold, and the sky was threatening, so we kept our rain gear on as a wind break and just in case it started to rain again.
We needed to walk 18.5 miles today- which we did, since our walk tomorrow includes a 12 mile section of no services. We are holding up well, and our feet, and knees are in good shape!
As we entered Fromista, we noticed they had a large weatherproof book with the village history. The bookmark is a large chain. It was interesting to look at even though we couldn’t actually read it. The village also had an interesting canal system that continues through the northern provinces for over 200 km.
We wanted to stop in Revenga de Campos for lunch. It is a one bar town, and we found out when we got there the owner closed for a couple of days for vacation. We had to walk another hour to get to the next village. We saw Teepees in the distance, and since we were so hungry we ended up stopping at that Albergue for lunch. It was an ‘interesting’ place in a odd, weird, unusual sort of way! You could choose to sleep in a teepee, a tube, (a sewer pipe), or a cottage that is the size of an outhouse, or a tent! Free range chickens – actually a menagerie of animals were all over the place!
The people there were just weird- a collection of leftover 60’s hippies, including the owner.
We are very happy with the double room with ensuite we booked. Unless the alternative is sleeping outside, I won’t be sleeping in a bunk bed again. We are booking a day ahead, and that is working out well.
We were pleasantly surprised when Michael and his girlfriend walked into the same restaurant as we were finishing dinner. We enjoyed catching up with them once again.